New Heathens News
Track #1
Monday, July 23, 2007

Nate here. I figure a first blog, like a first song at a show or on a record, should get things moving. Set the tone. Whet the appetite. Heathens Like Me will be a forum for natterings from and about the New Heathens. Herewith, Monday.

Dan, Eric and I powwowed at Hill Country on 26th between 6th and Broadway and planned out a setlist for our show on Tuesday at the Rodeo Bar. "Get 'em rockin," Dan commanded. And so the rockers went up top. We went across the street to Funkadelic Studios, and played in a roasting rehearsal room about the size of a coffee table complete with broken amplifiers. "This place is so small," I said, "we've played STAGES bigger than this!" After prax we went back to Hill Country, the new NYC BBQ pit that's so spacious you forget you're in Manhattan, to see a Lindy Loo hootenanny/variety show. Saw Gowanas Corral, a wonderful Bakersfield flavored band that won me over by covering Robbie Fulks' "She Took A Lot of Pills and Died." I spun Lindy around the dancefloor, Jamie Lyn Smith too. I even talked Kate Hohman, who is writing her Columbia U. thesis on country music in New York, into a twirl. The find of the night however, maybe the find of the summer, was Larune. After her opening number, performed on acoustic guitar with slide guitarist Gordon Hartin accompanying, about washing mirrors, cooking stew and crying over her husband and not onions I said to Eric, "Man, if she wrote that song, I quit." I talked to her later. She did. I quit.

(Larune on YouTube:

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