So One Of These Guys Thinks He's Freddie Mercury...
Website: Castle Builder DesignMonday, February 23, 2009 And the other has a pretty sweet mustache. Friends, you can mutter whatever you want underneath your breath, I'll always love Freddie Mercury. This tribute-payer (I blanch at calling someone channeling Freddie a "impersonator,") really studied Mr. Mercury's moves. Kinda' like me, except he had the better mustache. The above pix, the closest I'll come to hanging out with Freddie Mercury in this lifetime, were taken at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas ("Freddie" was one of several "Dealertainers," including "Michael Jackson," "Stevie Wonder," "Shania Twain," "Garth Brooks" and "Toby Keith"). I was lucky enough to be with three people who I think are even cooler than Freddie, Kevn Kinney, my foxy Kristen, and Shayni Rae. |
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