New Heathens News
Awwww Raleigh
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hey! The quartet thing works! Played a great gig down at Slim's in Raleigh, NC last night, me, Butch, Eric Seftel (from Spanx C) and Alison Jones. Our superfan Minerva came all the way down from Jersey City, NJ to see us (Minerva has now seen us in five states, a New Heathens fan record), she brought along a bunch of friends too. Charlene, who played after us and kicked ass, sang a couple with us. We ended our set with the Stones "Ventilator Blues," after which a guy complimented us on our choice of covers before his wife called me the "most fuckable" guy in the room. I thought she might be kidding, but then Chip Robinson said that my performance gave him a "double-wide tater-tot." Awwwww Raleigh.

Moments of hilarity ensued afterward. While playing harp with Spanking Charlene on their song "Where Are The Freaks" I attempted to sit on an amplifier on the side of the stage and missed. I went endo offstage and into the hallway leading to the restrooms.

I felt kind of embarrassed about falling off stage until Chip Robinson did the same thing later on in the night, while onstage with the Vibekillers.

Lookin' forward to our gig at Sadlack's Heroes this afternoon and the Yayhoos at Slim's tonight!


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