New Heathens News
Jammin' With Todd
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This picture came courtesy of my friend Emory Joseph, who you can see next to me on the far left. That's Todd Snider, one of my favorite songwriters, in the middle. This was snapped a little more than a year ago at Banjo Jim's in what was one of those special, memorable, musical New York City nights.

Todd rolled in to Banjo's with his buddy Kevn Kinney near the end of a Newville Session, a singer-songwriter showcase hosted by Brooke Lundy (the redhead to my right). Brooke, Emory and I formed a sort of backup-singer line and Keith Christopher (to Todd's right) dubbed us, "The Visible Panty Line." (Keeping track so far?)

Todd ambled up on stage and asked himself, "What should I play?"

I yelled to him, "Play "Easy Money!'" A song I learned a long time ago from my friend Bob Wire.

Todd looked at me with wide eyes and a big grin and said, "You KNOW that one?"

Sho' 'nuff. We played songs 'til LATE. That night was stupid fun.

Just last night I lamented the fact that I've shelled out too many bucks for lame concerts. I made a list of people I'd pay to see and Todd Snider was at the top.

Because the only time I've seen Todd Snider so far, I was on the damn stage with him!


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