New Heathens News
Indiana Tour 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010

Friends, tomorrow I embark on a literary adventure of sorts that promises to be a musical one as well.

The roots of this adventure were planted back in 2005 when I started working as a stringer in New Jersey for the NY Times. Back in those newspaper halcyon days, the Times did a ton of Jersey coverage and they had one main stringer covering the entire Garden State, John Holl. John lobbied his bosses to hire another stringer. That turned out to be me.

John and I became great friends.

After John married two years ago he got out of daily journalism, wanting a regular 9 to 5 job. Now he misses daily deadlines like mad.

Being financially freed from journalism, however, John discovered he could do freelance work and write only about what he loves. And John loves two things. His wife, and beer.

John knows every publication that prints a word about beer. Specifically, he knows of a little publishing company in Pennsylvania, Stackpole Books, that publishes state-by-state guides to breweries.

John called me up last summer and suggested that we do a Montana brewery book together. "You know Montana," he said. "And I know beer."

Hot damn that was a great idea! Road trip through my homestate with a buddy, drink beer, write a damn book and get PAID to do it?! We couldn't send in that book proposal fast enough.

Lo and behold the publishers loved it! Said it was great. Only one problem, they said. There aren't enough Barnes & Nobles or other chain bookstores in Montana to make publishing that book profitable.

So they asked John if there were any other states we could write about.

John worked for a year as a reporter at the Indianapolis Star.

"What about Indiana?" he said.

"You've got yourself a book deal!" they said.


To coincide with our "research" for this book, I'm going to play a series of solo-acoustic gigs (the Banjo Jim's thing). Contact me if you have specific questions: 917-478-4984

Tuesday, Feb. 2
The Volrath"
118 E. Palmer Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46227-4151
(317) 632-5199
8 p.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 3
Max's Place,
109 W. 7th Street
Bloomington, IN 47404
(812) 336-5169

Thursday, Feb. 4
Lizard Lounge,
5002 Madison Ave,
8 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 5.
Melody Inn
3826 North Illinois Street
Indianapolis, IN
(317) 923-4707
8 p.m.
With Stockwell Road

Saturday, Feb. 6
Bone Dry Bar & Grill
3805 Ridge Road
Highland, IN 46322-2256
(219) 838-2442
10 p.m. sharp


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