New Heathens News
Banjo's Pix & Party
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Been having a lot of fun doing my latest solo-acoustic Happy Hour residency at Banjo Jim's. Really appreciate the Banjo's Crew for giving me a welcoming place to perform. Banjo's is an exemplary petri dish for scores of music makers honing their "thing." I've used this latest residency to try out as many as 10 new, unrecorded songs per show -- with at least one brand new song each week. (Funny, you finish a project you've been mired in for three years like, say, Hello Disaster, and you're able to write songs again!)

My friend Rich took these pictures on 1.15.10. Thanks Rich!

With friends Christine & Kim

Very grateful to my friends Drina and Dave Seay for coming out each show. Drina not only booked me, she duets with me. And after the 1.15 show she invited me back to her & Dave's pad, along with their friend Mimi, for a wild afterparty. How wild? So wild that Drina spun her copy of Hello Disaster and she and Mimi strummed guitars along with each song and sang. Thirty-nine minutes of artistic vindication, baby! Two beautiful women serenading a guy with his own songs can suddenly make even the wretchedness that went into recording Hello Disaster seem totally worth it.
The cheers shot: Mimi, Drina & me; Dave is obviously double-fisting -- a Corona and a camera!

Thanks to all my friends who've come out. One more this Friday.


Tracy in Binghamton, NY, your copy of Hello Disaster AND your copy of Heathens Like Me are on their way.


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