New Heathens News
Magic Shades, Hot Wax
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I can't pinpoint the exact reason this past weekend's recording session went so great, but there happened to be this one particular pair of sunglasses lying around...

Brandy says this doesn't look like me...
Brandy "Bass Goddess" Wood
One of the best drummers I know, Tony Graci
It's the Unibomber! No, it's Engineer Tim "Timbo" Hatfield!

Or maybe it wasn't the shades. Maybe it was our world-class rhythm section.

And they're adorable too!

I know one thing, our great friend Charlene McPherson, helped out a lot. She came in to sing on a new song of ours called, "I Thought You Were My Friend." It sounds awesome. I think it's the best thing we've ever done.

Confidence in a confidant: Charlene McPherson, who always amazes me with her singing talent
It's a family affair: Charlene brought her cutie-pie cousin Kirsten to the studio. Kirsten says she's in college studying criminology to be a crime scene investigator. After Charlene sang her vocal parts, she and Kirsten went to see a vampire movie.

The second song we waxed is called "Thankless War," which I'm proud of because I nailed a take singing, playing guitar AND playing harmonica on the rack.

The third tune we did is a Wilco-Meets-Keef rocker that Domenick wrote called "Responsible." It cracks me up every time I sing it.

Not only was it our last tracking session at Cowboy Technical Studios, it was THE last tracking session at CTS. Roscoe says he's moving the studio to a new location in the new year.

Can't wait to see the new place. But I've got some vivid memories of the old one, down in the basement under a Brooklyn street suspiciously named "Hope."

The vocal booth at CTS
Vocal mic
A gold, Roscoe Gibson

Happy Holidays, from the Heathens.


Website: Castle Builder Design

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