New Heathens News
Setlist, Vollrath, Indianapolis, IN
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bastard Like Me
Proud Highway
Lawyers, Guns & Money
Getaway Baby
Only You, Lonely Me
I Get Excited
Back To Jesus

Allegedly, there is a streaming video of this (fast forward about two hours).

The Vollrath is a funky, 84-year-old neighborhood bar with red lights, red walls and allegedly tunnels burrowing underneath that gangster John Dillinger used to escape police. The guy to my left was missing a tooth, the guy to my right was missing an eye and a woman who claimed to be a former Vegas stripper did the most impressive bar trick I've ever seen. She balanced my beer on her head, did cheerleader kicks, and then dropped to the ground and did one-handed push-ups. All without spilling a drop. Go Indianapolis!

Iain in Perth, Australia and Nana & Grandad in Chicago :-) , your copies of Hello Disaster are on their way.


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