New Heathens News
A Happy HOLLiday
Monday, December 29, 2008

1/2 a Road Soda

What an excellent Christmas it was. For the past three years my good friend John Holl has invited me to his family's home in Maplewood, NJ for Christmas. For three years I had to work on Christmas. But not this year. I had a wonderful time at the Holl household, singing carols and eating a terrific meal.

John's brother Tom and I have a side project band called the Road Sodas. We made our first US appearance around the Holl family Christmas tree this year (our other "gigs" were a couple mustachioed appearances in Montreal). We sang holiday fare ranging from the traditional "Rudolph" to Robert Earl Keen's "Merry Christmas From the Family" to Old Crow Medicne Show's "Tell It To Me(!)"

I sang for several suppers this Christmas. On the Eve my friend Gitano and I played Stones songs at two great Argentinian restaurants in Williamsburg, Sweetwater and El Almacen.

El Almacen , on the corner of Driggs and North 7th (right outside the Bedford subway stop) is run by two great folks, Diego and Flo, a brother and sister team. I'll blog more about this excellent cafe, which opened its doors two weeks ago, very soon.

Rumor has it Gitano and I will reprise our Christmas Eve gig at Sweetwater on New Year's Eve before crossing the river to do a 1:30 a.m. set at the Lakeside Lounge. We'll also be playing the annual Hank-O-Rama, Hank Williams Sr. tribute, at the Rodeo Bar around 6:30 on New Year's Day.


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