Banjo's Part I
Website: Castle Builder DesignSaturday, February 28, 2009 (I fear I look kinda' greasy & serious, like a bona-fide solo-acoustic dude) First nite of my residency at Banjo Jim's went pretty good! Remembered to turn my low frequencies up and played a baker's dozen original songs, plus a Zevon cover and a Stones song with my friend Gitano, who joined me for a couple. Also Charlene McPherson deserves a Purple Star for battling a killer headache to add her gorgeous vocals on a couple duets. The tip bucket covered the nights' bar tab. I went away happy! Please come out March 13, 20 & 27. 7 p.m. Free. Had a five-hour rehearsal with my old band the Goods this afternoon. Now off to sing a couple songs with Jesse Bates at the Lakeside Lounge. This Facebook thing is zany! |
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