New Heathens News
Trout Drought Ends!
Monday, May 11, 2009

OK trout, it's ON! This is me with trout numero uno of the year. Hmmm...looking at this picture I think maybe I made a mistake when I asked the kid walking by to snap a picture with my cell phone. Obviously the kid goofed and made the trout look SMALL, and me WAY TOO HAPPY for SUCH A SMALL TROUT. Stupid kids today. Probably too used to sexting with a cell phone to know how to make a trout look big and an angler look cool.

(Yeah, next time I WON'T photograph the trout, then I can lie to y'all about how big it was!)
Here's a little stocked rainbow trout that I caught. I love flyfishing and I love catching any trout, but sometimes I get a little down on these eastern streams with their dull-colored, stubby-finned hatchery trout. I'm gonna' visit Montana in three weeks, and I can't wait to hook some brilliantly colored, sharp-finned wild rainbows.


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