New Heathens News
Setlist Melody Inn, Indianapolis, IN 2.5.10
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Me & the billboard advertising the show

Proud Highway
Getaway Baby
Before You Were My Baby
Don't Think I Can't Stop (Just Because I Don't)
Keep Me
Born On Third Base
Bastard Like Me
Thankless War
Feelin' Lucky Again
Lawyers, Guns & Money

It was a snow show. I was psyched to snag a gig at Indy's Melody Inn, a super-cool joint that does roots rock on Fridays. I was to open for the regular first Friday band, Stockwell Road. Apparently, the plows didn't reach Stockwell Road because the band didn't show due to snow. Unfortunately, the audience were all "snow shows" too, yuk-yuk. Instead of taxing Mike The Soundguy and making him set me up onstage, I played a set from my barstool for Mike, Carla the bartender and John, my co-pilot and co-author on this weird Hoosier odyssey.

John and I are getting buzz in Indiana, garnering a blog post on IndianaBeer.

I'll be playing a cool show in Chicago this Thursday at the Elbo Room with my great friend Dan McGuinness. 9 p.m.

And tonight at:
Bone Dry Bar & Grill
3805 Ridge Road
Highland, IN 46322-2256
(219) 838-2442
10 p.m. sharp


Jim in San Francisco, your copy of Hello Disaster is on its way.


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