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Wapiti Waters & Fish Porn
Website: Castle Builder DesignTuesday, October 21, 2008 Jack Made some excellent new friends on the 'net. Merle and Jack are flyfishing guides for their company Wapati Waters on the beautiful Bitterroot River in Montana. I found their blog by Googling "Bitteroot River," which is one of three "A River Runs Through Its;" "it" being my hometown of Missoula. Funny I ended up meeting these guys online because we know some of the same people and Jack is a banjo player who has performed with Pinegrass, a longrunning band that tears it up in downtown Missoula every week. Better late than never, I say. Speaking as a someone who does most of his fishing vicariously, what I love about Jack & Merle's blog is it doesn't skimp on the fish porn. Now wait a minute, before you rock and rollers go off thinking that "fish porn" is a Led Zeppelin reference, that AIN'T what I mean. Fish porn is pictures of trout so big and so beautiful that anglers can't help but say things like, "Oooh look at that baby," "But it's just HUGE," and "Wow, the things I would do to THAT!" FISH PORN! The biggest Westslope Cutthroat I ever caught, Rattlesnake Creek, Missoula, MT, August '08 Anyway, Jack & Merle and me are doing the blog trade thing. They wrote about me, so I'm happy to write about them. Any of you out west, drop 'em a line. I'll be looking at your fish porn online. MORE FISH PORN!!! The biggest Yellowstone Cutthroat (and maybe the biggest trout) I ever caught. Slough Creek, Yellowstone Park, Aug. '08 By the way, I know a lot of you are asking why all the FISH? What about the MUSIC!? Here's the deal, it's damn hard WORK getting a record made. It can be so frustrating, makes a man think about fish! Domenick gets married this Saturday, so we're out 'til he's back from his honeymooon. In the meantime, I'm working doubletime to make some bucks, which is what we're really gonna' need (excellent time to be doing that, I might add). So stay tuned out there in Heathenland. Hope to serve you up ROCK 'N' ROLL that makes you say, "Wow, the things I would do to THAT!" just as soon as we can. |
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